Vital Signs and Weight Test

    Vital Signs and Weight Test

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    Vital Signs and Weight Test

    1. We measure four vital signs to get a picture of someone's basic health status. What are they? Select 4:

    Skin ColorHeightAgeStrengthBlood PressureRespirationsPulseWeight

    2. Match the vital sign with equipment you might use to measure it:

    Blood Pressure
    3. Write the full name of the vital sing beside the abbreviation:

    TPR is

    BP is

    4. Three ways to measure temperature are:

    O stands for

    A stands for

    R stands for

    5. Match the type of pulse with its location on the body:


    Vital Signs and Weight Test

    Temperature: Fill in the chart

    Our bodies make heat to keep out internal systems working. It is usually a symptom of disease when the body's temperature is above or below its normal range. The normal range varies depending on how the temperature measurement is obtained. Fill in normal ranges on the chart

    If measured orally (older adults run at the lower end of the range) degrees Fahrenheit
    If measured rectally or in the ears (tympanic) degrees Fahrenheit
    If measured under the arm (axillary) degrees Fahrenheit

    Pulse: Fill in the blanks

    Measuring the pulse tells us how often the heart beats.

    The normal adult range is from to per minute.
    While it is usually measured at the wrist by placing the fingertips on the radial artery, you may also count it at the chest (apical pulse) with a stethoscope.

    Respiration: Fill in the blanks

    Counting the respirations tells us how many breathers the resident takes.

    The normal adult range is from to per minute.

    Blood Pressure: Fill in the blanks

    Blood pressure measurement tell us two things about the circulation of blood through the arteries.

    1. Systolic pressure tells us how much force is being put on the arteries when the heart is contracting and pushing the blood outward through the arteries.

    This is the top number in a a written blood pressure, and is normally between to per minute.
    2. Diastolic pressure measures how much force is on the arteries when the hearty is relaxing and not pushing blood outward.

    This is the bottom number in a blood pressure, and normal adult reading is between and

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