
In Memorium of Patricia M. Genardo


Patricia Genardo, MBA, R.N. – CEO/Nurse Case Manager

Pat was a registered nurse for over 40 years, focusing on Home Health Care for the past 30. She began her Home Care experience working for one of the largest corporations in the nation and worked in various positions of increasing responsibility.

• Her roles in home care had been diverse including Associate Director of Nursing, Director of Nursing, Branch Manager, Sales Manager, Regional Sales Manager, Executive Director and Chief Executive Officer.

• In 1990, Pat started her first Home Care company which grew to become Medicare Certified, State Licensed and a multi million dollar company. Seven years later and to date, she has founded 5 more companies, each being accredited as well as prominent in the industry.

In 1985, Pat was instrumental in working with two of her peers to begin one of the first structured home care programs for individuals in the Midwest area who had survived traumatic brain injuries and spinal cord injuries. Later, realizing the dire need for this specialized home care, she developed programs offering total care across the continuum of disciplines and service providers. Pat has continued to specialize in caring for high acuity home care individuals, allowing them to live at home with optimal quality of life. Currently, Elite Care provides all services needed for these individuals, including nursing, therapies, nursing assistants, dietitians, infusion therapy, mail order pharmaceuticals, all needed equipment and supplies.

Pat graduated from a hospital school of nursing and got her RN. While raising her children, went on to get a Bachelor’s Degree and later completed a MBA. Pat’s passion for individuals with brain injury and spinal cord injury precipitated her active involvement in numerous related organizations.

Pat’s involvement in organizations included:

• Spinal Cord Injury Association of Illinois, board member and past President
• National Spinal Cord Injury Association
• Illinois Brain Injury Association
• Case Management Society of America
• Case Management Society of Illinois-Chicago, board member, Past President
• Naperville Chamber of Commerce
• Rehab Insurance Nurses Group
• National Private Duty Association
• Illinois Continuity of Care Board Member and past president

Pat has spoke at conferences across the country and addressed audiences on the topics of: 

• Home care for the catastrophic injury survivor
• Optimal quality of life following spinal cord injury
• Ventilator dependence in the home care setting

Pat received numerous awards of service and recognition in her professional career, as well as the organizations she was actively involved in.